Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lose weight or live longer?

A few years ago, women were polled and asked the question:

Would you rather lose weight or live to be 100? And 51% said they would rather lose weight.

I'm saddened by that.

I also hate the saying, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

I've been both very morbidly obese and quite thin (growing up I was all arms and legs and long hair and skinny as a rail) and now, a healthy weight and body fat.

Thin isn't everything. Skeletal isn't attractive. I would suggest that you ladies (and some of you gentlemen) stop dieting and start learning to eat healthy. Yes, there is a difference.

I know this person, who a few years ago looked quite good. Slender but not too skinny. She shared with me that she had been taking diet pills for the past year (and I know she wasn't exercising). Her diet pretty much consists of alcohol and cigarettes. Two years later she looks horrible: emaciated, ashen skin, no life in the eyes...but you know, she thinks she looks great because she is so very thin.

I'm sad for her. She had an attractive body before and now she has no breasts and no ass. I can only imagine the internal struggle she has been dealing with for years that would cause her to go from healthy looking to a walking skeleton. She has succumbed to the American idea that being super thin makes you more attractive.

She isn't the only person I know who would give anything to be thin, severely thin. I just don't get it. Ok, I sorta get it. Every actress or model you see is so thin they have to jump around in the shower to get wet. And as women we compare ourselves.

So women feel pressured to be thin at any cost. Why do you think the diet pill industry is a multi-billion dollar per year industry? Why do you think that every January gyms see a 200% (or more) increase in new memberships?

Bulimia and anorexia aren't going to stop being a problem anytime soon.

Men, too, feel the pressure to look like Brad Pitt (not my idea of an ideal man BTW). Though the numbers are drastically lower for men, there are still plenty who abuse diet pills and are anorexic or bulemic.

I beg you to stop trying so desperately to be thin and instead strive to be healthy. Do not base your self worth on what number the scale registers or what size your clothes are. You will have a much longer and and more fulfilling life if you will.

And frankly how many grandmas and grandpas have you ever heard reminsce, in the twilight of their lives, they the thing they are most proud of is that they were skinny?


Jennifer Skinner said...

Great post! I hope that the super-skinny heroin-chic look dies out soon. It's not healthy.

Jennifer Skinner

Tim Birch said...

I am working out more since April wants you to hound me!
What about the Body weight vs life expectancy?
skinny rats live longer. Wow,, that doesn't sound good. Ok, enough mass to get the job done.

'TimBirch –Can it be better?

Lisa M. McLellan said...

I have been 120-125 lbs my entire adult life with the exception of being pregnant, but I don't think I'm too thin. According to the doctor's chart I am. I love food, I just strongly believe in "everything in moderation." I once knew this woman and we both worked at a health club. The club was having a contest to see who could lose the highest percent of body fat. I don't remember exactly, but my percent was somewhere in the teens. This woman decided she didn't like me anymore and would say hurtful things to me all the time. So when the contest started she joined and asked me if I was going to join. I looked at her as if she were crazy. I said "what do you want me to disappear?" Then I realized (and it was confirmed later by a mutual friend) that she was trying to insult me and make me think that I needed to lose weight. Some people are idiots. I'm always looking for healthy eating tips, so if you have any, please pass them along.
Thanks for the post.

sabrenafaire said...


Some people are just naturally thin/slender. You just happen to be one of those people. I think it's like 2% of the population who have your body type.

You do not look too thin to me. You look quite healthy and not underweight.

I used to be so so so so skinny growing up and then I hit puberty and bang! curves appeared - though I wish I had the breasts to match.

I don't like height/weight charts. The really need to be updated for this century!

Lisa M. McLellan said...

Thank you once again Sabrina, you are much too kind. Its nice to know that someone like you who knows their stuff doesn't think I look too thin, because my mom always asks if i'm sick!

Sheridan Randolph said...

I try not to let others' neuroses affect my own. I am at a good weight now, work out, feel strong. But grew up on the thin side. And yes, like Lisa, my Mom was worried. But that's just how she thinks as a mother, wanting to keep me fed.
