Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fondue coma

Monday night I went to the Melting Pot, which is a chain of fondue restaurants. Fondue is obviously neither low fat nor low calorie, which is part of the reason I love it. The two coctails I had were full of sugar too.

So you're probably asking yourself, why is she talking about the high fat, high sugar, high calorie dinner she had? Because if you've read anything I have written you know that I believe that you can indulge every now and then and still lose weight or maintain your weight loss.

You absolutely cannot indulge daily. If you do then you will not get the results you want.

I enjoyed every single mouthful I ate and every sip of my drinks. I don't feel the least bit guilty for all the fat, calories and sugar I ate. It was delicious!

I also experienced a sugar and fat crash after eating all that fondue. (Plus the caramel apple martini I had was LETHAL!!) When I got home I literally crashed and fell asleep immediately. It was because all the fat in the cheese fondue slowed my circulation. Also the sugar in the drinks and chocolate fondue caused a sugar rush and subsequent crash.

My sytem was overloaded. I overdid it. And my body reacted by shutting down. When I was morbidly obese I pretty much ate like that every day. Hmmm, no wonder I weighed 291 lbs!!!

I like to eat. Always have. Always will. I don't understand people who don't eat (like 1 or 2 tiny meals a day or who live on diet coke and cigaraettes). I'm a southern girl so I adore stuff that is battered and fried and covered in gravy.

I eat how I want, when I want...occasionally. On a daily basis, though, I eat a variety of vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy, and fruits. I eat 5to 6 small meals daily. Oh and 96 oz. of water and some coffee. I also workout faithfully (most weeks) 5 days a week for approximately 1 hour.

And that's why I can indulge when I choose to. My Inner Circle friends can vouch for what I ate in Philly and almost none of it was health food!! But when I got home after the weekend I was back on track eating a healthy diet.

Picking and choosing when you indulge will help you stay on your diet as long as you keep it to a minimum (no more than one meal/snack per week)! I guarantee it!


Matthew Shields said...

It's been so long since I've had fondue. Your making my mouth water just thinking about it. An ex of mine and I would go all the time. It was one of "our" things. I forgot all about it actually. HMMM maybe this weekend...
focus your energy
Matthew Shields

Lisa M. McLellan said...

Sounds absolutely delicious. I also love to eat and I also eat what I want. You commented before that I am one of those people who is "naturally thin/slender" but I don't know that that is true. Nobody else in my family is very thin. I was a REALLY UGLY little kid. The other kids were horrible to me. I was in tears all the time. When I finally outgrew the ugly duckling stage, there was no way I was ever going back if I could help it. I was horrified of getting "fat." For a while I think I was actually on the borderline of an eating disorder because I was so obsessed with it. I just trained myself over and over to only eat until I was satisfied and not until I was "full." I've also worked out pretty regularly for the last 25 years and I am still super conscious of everything I eat. But Yes, I do have my own version of a fondue coma every now and then. I simply cannot go without a fair share of fat and sugar. And Lord knows I do LOVE sugar! Thanks for sharing, it's nice to know that even the experts are human. Next time I see you, lets go indulge together, it would be so fun to do that with someone who won't feel guilty afterward!!!!!

Dr Peter Helton said...

The moderation theme wins again. I eat healthy 6 days a week and then one day a week I allow myself to do what I want. Like you I notice that it makes my system shut down. Which is decidingly un healthy.

Dr Helton, making your skin beautiful without surgery, nationally renowned Cosmetic Dermatologist

sabrenafaire said...

Hey Lisa,

Man can I identify with you. I was awkward and ugly (too many freckles, big teeth, couldn't dress myself, total tomboy) growing up. I was skinny as a rail. My brother called me "spaghetti legs" and "toothpick".

I hope you'll be in Las Vegas in October!! We will definitely go out and indulge until we pop!!

sabrenafaire said...


I've had a little too much fondue in the past 6 months but ...wait a minute, what am I saying??!! There is no such thing as too much fondue!

If you ever need a fondue date (strictly platonic) and you're in Seattle...then let me know.

Jennifer Skinner said...

I so agree with about indulging every now and then. I cannot contemplate a life without some really good "bad" food on occasion. All in moderation!

Jennifer Skinner