Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weight Management Course Online

I taught weight loss/weight management classes for 5 years and it is something I really love to do. Support and encouragement are important for anyone wanting to lose weight or just eat a healthier diet.

I have a seven week course that I customized to my style of teaching and thinking about what it takes to lose weight that I want to make into an e-course. It's part coaching, part psychology, and part practical advice and tips.

Would having something like this available as a freebie on my website with a paid (say $10 to $20) monthly subscription to online weight management programs with several plans to choose to go along with the course be something worthwhile?

I'm new at this so I hope that those who have done e-courses or who have subscribed to e-courses can give me some usable advice!


charlotte said...

Hey Sabrina! Thanks for your commetn on my blogpost The Art of Not Being Offended . I really had to check out your site, and the information you give is great. The most important however is the boost of willpower and enthusiasm I feel now - I want to lose only 20 pounds :-). Thanks for sharing all this!



SPT Blogmaster said...

Hi Sabrina,

I know it's been a while since I saw you at Kevin Hogan's Bootcamp, so I thought I'd stop by-- my thought on weight loss is that there are tons of diets, programs, etc. out there already.

Why not have a survey of your members as to which diets have worked the best for them? You could easily include some statistical analysis as well, and use this information as content for paid membership.

After all, that's what we all want from the diet: weight loss results... and not having to try out the 10 diets which don't work! =)

Cheers and Well Wishes,


Anonymous said...

I have a seven week course that I customized to my style of teaching and thinking about what it takes to lose weight that I want to make into an e-course.
Max Burn